The complete set of 4 volumes as Hardbound Books with Dust Jackets!
These are from an estate sale.
Thayer Catalog Instruction Sheets
Volume 1
“They don’t make ’em like that anymore” is an oft-heard expression. This could well apply to the magical apparatus made by Floyd Thayer in the 20s and 30s. The Thayer slogan “Quality Magic” was no idle boast. The workmanship was equal, if not superior, to the best, including Roterberg, Conradi, Bartl, and Willmann.
Many years ago, through a stroke of good luck, a fortunate combination of circumstances, I acquired a complete file of Thayer instruction sheets designed to accompany the apparatus. This just may be the only complete collection of Thayer secrets in existence.
Recently, I happened to mention this to Lloyd Jones, who urged me to compile these instructions in book form, stressing the tremendous value of such a collection to magicians. This I consented to do but found there was too much material for one book. It was, therefore, decided to issue these secrets in several volumes, of which this is the first.
All of Thayer’s instruction sheets were in mimeographed form. These are reproduced in their original form along with the effect as printed in the Thayer catalog so that the instructions themselves will be better understood.
Some of the instructions may seem a bit sketchy due to the fact that the apparatus furnished needed little explanation. No attempt has been made to alter the instructions as it seemed desirable to preserve the Thayer touch created by Thayer’s own wording.
Pages 322
Volume 2
“Volume 2 of this Thayer Quality Magic Instructions Sheets series has selected magic in sixteen categories from several of the Thayer catalogs.
Here are some of the best Thayer illusions, mental magic, escapes, and a wide variety to please every magical enthusiast… Enjoy the best from the Golden Age of magic marketed by its leading dealer, Floyd Thayer.”
The second book in this tremendous series covers Balls, Birds, Cards, Dice, Eggs, Escapes, Flowers, Illusions, Liquids, Money, Parlor Tricks, Stage Effects, Rings, Rods, Pillars, Silks, Slates, Spiritualistic Effects, and Mental Magic. It contains a catalog description, illustration, and complete instruction sheets for each effect.
Pages 324
Volume 3
“Volume Three of the Thayer Quality Magic Instruction Sheets brings you over 200 more explanations of magic sold by the leading dealer of the Golden Age of Magic, Floyd Thayer. Choice, exclusive magic in eighteen categories, the secret and presentation explained in nearly the exact words as furnished purchasers of what are now real treasures.
These instructions are from the files of GLENN GRAVATT, a long time friend of Floyd and Jennie Thayer and many of the workmen in the Thayer plant. Mr. Gravatt was awarded the Literary Achievement Award in magic at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Magical Arts and Science in March of 1980. A long-time contributor to Genii, The Conjurer’s Magazine, he is also well known for his many fine books on magical subjects.”
The Third book in this wonderful series covers Balls, Cards, Cigarettes, Escapes, Glasses, Bowls, Bottles, Illusions, Money, Parlor Tricks, Stage Effects, Pocket Tricks, Productions, Silks, Spiritualistic Effects, Mental Magic, Tables, Thimbles, and Torn & Restored Effects. Contains catalog description, illustration, and complete instruction sheets for each effect.
Pages 312
Volume 4
“This Volume Four is the final of the series of Thayer Instruction Sheets. No effort has been made for completeness since many items of any magic dealer match those of others, and here we have tried to select exclusive items and the best accredited to Floyd Thayer…. Magic is indebted to Glenn Gravatt for making these valuable instructions available and preparing them for publication.”
The Fourth Book in this great series covers Afghan Bands, Cards, Cigarettes, Club Effects, Stage magic, Dice, Divinations, Floating Effects, Livestock, Matches, Money, Penetrations, Parlor Tricks, Close-up Effects, Pocket Tricks, Silks, Spiritualistic Effects, Tables, Torn & Restored Effects and Memories. This volume also contains the Cumulative Index by Subject and title to the entire four-volume set. Contains catalog description, illustration, and complete instruction sheets for each effect.
Pages 324